Thrash Metal from the Black Heart of Northern England
Vocals, Guitar / Jay Walsh
Guitar / Kristian Havard
Bass / Chris Shires
Drums / Dennis Gasser
Live dates
RT @NewReleasesNow: Formed in 1985, Xentrix @xentrixmetal are one of the leading lights of the British thrash metal movement & new LP B… https://t.co/SVySGBMMPy
RT @PureGrainAudio: Due June 7th via @Listenable Records, #BuryThePain is a solid, enjoyable #thrash album that should ensure… https://t.co/8FggI8iDAj
RT @DMetalManiac: @xentrixmetal Hey, here is our review of Bury the Pain! \m/ https://t.co/u3uUIRhLuE